On this episode of Foundr Podcast, Brian talks to host Nathan Chan about the secrets to building a successful international franchise and what the franchise business model looks like and how...
On this episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, Brian talks to host Jon Nastor about putting your vision for the future in writing and setting it into motion, Brian works to help people grow as...
This is a podcast about innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists. On this episode of How I Built This, Brian shares his journey through entrepreneurship, from triumphs to failures, and...
When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are no clear cuts. It’s a densely forested landscape with a million possible paths leading to one of two places: success or failure. The key is being...
In the early days of my company, one of my trusted employees left to start a junk-removal company of his own. I was furious–I’d shared my business secrets with him, and he’d returned the...
Recently, I found a picture I drew as a four-year-old. It’s just a simple drawing of me cleaning up junk, complete with a little push broom. At the time, there was obviously no way I could...
A company-wide "going dark" policy improves engagement, productivity, and profits.
Spoiler alert: vacation is over. If you’re like most entrepreneurs this week, you’re tackling an overflowing inbox and juggling a crammed calendar, while trying to mentally check back into...
Franchising doesn’t entail the same risk-reward ratio as a startup, and it’s not for everybody. But it can be an entry point for people who would otherwise be shut out of the entrepreneur...